Zank & Co specializes in residential and commercial loan management and its core business is Zank Income Fund . In 2019, Zank income fund was promoted from private fund to Australian-registered public fund, and it achieved an annualized target net income of 8.5%.

From private equity funds to public funds, Zank’s professional team and the steady investment philosophy in the changeable market has been recognized by both AISC and its investors.

In the beginning of 2016, Zank’s financial team keenly smelled the signal of bank loan tightening and launched zank’s first fixed income Private Equity Fund: Zank income fund. Thanks to the foresight of our investment team and the stable play of our executive team, we have hold our investors through the global economic depression in 2017 and provide loan solutions to our clients when they are turned down by the local banks. Our clients can always count on us regardless the rapid changes in the market. In 2017 and 2018, we brought more than 10% of stable returns to our investors.

The Zank Income Fund was not favored by everyone at the very beginning even though it has delivered high returns to our investors compared to the rest of fixed income products in Australia. The reason is the investors kept their eyes on the equity investment products with 20% and 30% annual returns due to the booming of the residential real estate market at that time. This led to the mediocre performance of the overall asset management volume and trading volume in the early stage of the establishment of the fund, however, in the next two years, the whole real estate market took a sharp turn, and investors began to realize the importance of stable income and cash flow products. The management scale of the fund has therefore increased more than ten times since then.

In 2019, this product has become a registered public fund witnessed by hundreds of investors.

As an independent public fund company in Australia, Zank has designed the products that fit its investor’s needs, and this made Zank’s investment layout and its own investment philosophy reach a state of unity of knowledge and practice.

Along the way, zank has moved the company address and changed the shareholder structure. The only thing that remains unchanged is Zank’s business philosophy and investment philosophy. It is this persistence that has made Zank a place in the Australian market today.

Zank’s investment philosophy seems very simple, but it contains the essence of all investment principles. Zank has always adhered to these investment commandments. Not only in the past, but also in the future, all investment layouts will be quite stable.

In the past, Zank launched fund products, fixed income products entering the market in the form of loans, and some residential loan products. In the future, to realize the diversification of products, Zank will provide investors with a long-term and stable return on equity investment through real estate trust fund, fund custody business of financial license and hotel management fund.

Published On: March 12th, 2022 / Categories: Uncategorised /

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