Recently, zank’s fixed investment fund project for residential development in Park Ridge in Brisbane has achieved rich returns.

According to well-known local media reports, in 2019, the Queensland developer Golden Gate property plans to launch an all-round community project with 600 plots in park bridge. At that time, the project was the largest local development project, and the total realized value is expected to exceed US $135 million.

However, at that time, most of the land around the plot was wasteland, agricultural land and industrial land, and its prospect was not optimistic by the market, so it was difficult to obtain financing and loans.

As an experienced Australian lender with many years of experience, Zank & Co has helped countless real estate development customers get the required funds quickly and conveniently to meet the needs of enterprise development capital turnover.

Zank&Co made an in-depth analysis of the project, understood the local market situation and relevant urban planning, and made a detailed due diligence investigation and endorsement for the company. After that, he thought that the project had a good prospect and high rate of return. It was finally decided to lend to the project.

First of all, the Australian real estate investment market is booming and buyers have high investment willingness. Although the real estate project has not been completed, more than 300 sets of land projects have been pre sold. 300 real estate units will continue to be built in the next 5-10 years.

At the same time, compared with the high house prices in Sydney and Melbourne, the house prices in Brisbane are more competitive, so it will attract more buyers to invest.

Finally, with Brisbane’s successful bid to host the 2032 Olympic Games this year. The Olympic effect will further enhance house prices and land values. Take Sydney as an example. With Sydney’s successful Olympic bid, house prices in Sydney more than doubled in the whole “Olympic effect” cycle from 1998 to 2003.

The development project is also on the local news and has become a well-known local residential area.

Published On: January 20th, 2022 / Categories: Uncategorised /

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