ZANK Income Fund is a registered public fund which brings fixed and stable income to investors through mortgage loan investment. The operating model of this fund is very similar to the overall operating model of a bank. Firstly, absorbs the funds of depositors, lends them to individuals or developers who need the money in the form of mortgage loans, and then obtains the profit from the borrowers. Earnings are returned to investors. In this way, investors can receive stable interest every month, and borrowers can also use this loan to achieve their goals. For example, to develop a project, or to buy a house personally.

We get investment from investors and then lend it in the form of loans to developers who need loans to build houses. So under this investment model, what value does ZANK bring to investors?

  1. Investment entry threshold

The first is a lower threshold for investment entry. For the mortgage loans we usually see, it can range from $50 million to as many as tens of millions. If an investor has $300,000 to $500,000 funds for loan investment, the project he can access is a very small project. Which means, the investor may miss out on many excellent projects because of limited funds.

  1. Time costs

The second is more efficient time cost. For most people, we believe they don’t have the time to spend 8 hours a day comparing various projects. We have a team of people every day, constantly filtering different projects in the market. This ensures that we can have tens of millions of loan transactions every month. Everyone in our team is exposed to 30-50 loan programs every month. In fact, if we want to ensure that tens of millions of loan transactions can be completed every month, the projects we ban will basically exceed 100 million every month. Only in this way can we find the best projects in the market and bring the most stable and high returns to our investors.

  1. Due Diligence Team and Management Team

The third is we have a professional due diligence team and management team. For a loan fund, giving out loans is only 30% of the success, and the successful recovery of the disbursed funds can truly be regarded as a 100% successful investment. This requires a very experienced due diligence team and loan management team. We can make a detailed due diligence report on each project carefully, and at the same time make a correct and efficient response to some bad debts and how to deal with them.

Published On: February 6th, 2022 / Categories: Uncategorised /

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