The Zank Financial IT team has spent 2 years developing a portal specifically designed for Zank Financial accredited brokers. This system, currently undergoing upgrades and testing, will introduce the following new features and improvements:

1. Centralized Resource Storage: The Zank Financial Library will be integrated into the broker portal, facilitating easy access and use.

2. Case Status Self-Service Inquiry: Every broker who submits a case to us will be able to independently check the status of their cases, enhancing transparency and efficiency.

3. AI Automated Responses to Enquiries: The broker portal will incorporate artificial intelligence to automatically respond to routine product inquiries, ensuring fast and accurate information delivery, even during holidays. (Each accredited broker will have their own Zank AI assistant, as familiar with the products as our credit team and BDM team.)

4. Automatic Commission Calculation: Accumulated commissions will also be automatically updated in the corresponding broker portal (with added encryption features), ensuring security.

5. Upcoming Launch Post-Testing: We are very excited about these updates and plan to launch the broker portal very soon this year.
We look forward to the rollout of these updates, confident that they will significantly enhance your experience working with Zank Financial. Please stay tuned for our latest updates!

Published On: May 16th, 2024 / Categories: Uncategorised /

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